Learning from your reports

The International Medication Error Reporting Portal aims to help the international healthcare community by inviting you to learn from these experiences and prevent future errors that can lead to patient harm.

The great example of the ivm VMI Praktijkprikkels (Practice Stings)

Since 2017 in the Netherlands, the Institute for Responsible Medication Use - Prevention of Medication Incidents (ivm VMI: Instituut Verantwoord Medicijngebruik - Voorkomen Medicatie-Incidenten), formerly the Central Medication Incident Registration (CMR), has developed a dynamic way to involve healthcare practitioners into patient safety attention so-called “Praktijkprikkels”, meaning incentives about practice.
With the consent of the reporter, case reports are presented with a short analysis. The described problem, selected by the possibility to occur at other organizations, is submitted to a specific survey on the problem and ways of preventing it.
Its purpose is to raise awareness in other organizations and to stimulate them to consider in their own work environment what precautions are needed to prevent a similar incident from occurring.

Courtesy to ivm VMI, as IMSN member, an English translation “Practice Stingwill be provided in September 2021 and onward. Interested practitioners from any country and IMSN members are invited to eventually respond to these ivm VMI surveys and can e-mail their reaction to vmi@ivm.nl.

Current survey in progress
  • 10 October 2024 - Praktijkprikkel 2024-11: Forgetting to remove the Fentanyl patch Read on…

Practice Stings archives are available in the "ivm Voorkomen Medicatie-Incidenten (VMI)" section of the IMSN members publications page.

Updated on December 1st, 2024